
Farmstead Update + Big News about Our Family
We have some big news to share in addition to providing a general farmstead update. I’m blessed to have such a wonderful husband…

How I serve the Holy Trinity with my Trifecta of Offerings
How I serve the Holy Trinity with my Trifecta of Offerings Dear reader, It’s taken me nearly 30 years to figure out my unique path in life. And elatedly, I am sharing the unique trifecta with you today. At the age of 14, I fell in love with nutrition and plant-based...

“In exchange for being liked, I gave most of my time and energy away for free.”
"In exchange for being liked, I gave most of my time and energy away for free." Dear reader, Does the title sound familiar? Do you, too, find yourself resentful after bending over backward and making other people's lives work, only to realize you still have a mountain...

About the Eli Agape Givers + Why I am Pro-Life
Hi, friends. If ever a contentious topic existed, it is the topic of abortion. Whenever I see any videos or rants posted on social media channels with the declarative hashtag, I immediately click off. I'm just not interested in being a part of the fight. Or, at least,...