How I serve the Holy Trinity with my Trifecta of Offerings

Dear reader,

It’s taken me nearly 30 years to figure out my unique path in life. And elatedly, I am sharing the unique trifecta with you today.

At the age of 14, I fell in love with nutrition and plant-based cooking. It’s what led me to pursue a career as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, plant-based chef, and holistic healer (ACE-certified personal trainer, Reiki therapist, certified reflexologist, and bodyworker) for nearly 10 years.

I was blessed to be able to travel the globe as a chef and RHN, working at various holistic healing centers, in the U.S., Costa Rica, Bali, Thailand, and even Kenya, Africa. Upon returning to the U.S. in 2016, however, I felt an important desire to learn more about finances and business fundamentals.

Thinking I could only choose “one” path (a lie I feel many of us have been told), I kissed my sweet Seva of serving nourishing food to others “goodbye” and plunged into the world of business and finance. In 2020, I graduated with a degree in business and accounting. And not long after, I was scouted by The Wealth Store and attained my credentials as a financial planner (lifelong learning trek here, let me assure you).

But in 2022, I felt uneasy with the lack of ability to bring my other gifts and skills to the table. After all, the reason I chose to pursue financial planning and business development is that so many people lack the opportunities to invest in their wellness due to financial means.

I’ve long felt troubled, teetering between my callings and wondering how to combine them. Would people think less of me if I continued to pursue my culinary passions and teach them how to afford healthy, nutritious food? Would my ability to learn financial strategies and connect with people be reduced if I devoted too much time to developing Life in Bloom Nutrition and publishing recipe books?

Innately, I knew that I was enough and could do anything I wanted to do. After all, this is a truth I strive to teach others. But I felt stunted. Until recently.

I have to say, being pregnant has been the most challenging chapter in my life. But interestingly (due to expounding upon my already sensitive nature), it has led me back to my infatuation with living, plant-based foods, and creative works (music and art, primarily). As a result, I’ve re-centered with clarity and once again, know where I am and how I am going to move forward in this life.

I serve the Holy Trinity – God(head), Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. And I do this by sharing my trifecta of gifts: financial planning, business development (from branding and website design to copywriting and CFO consulting), and nutrition.

I love that I’m unconventional and have a unique path ahead of me. I suppose by writing this down, I am simply affirming a “breakthrough” of thought. I am not meant to lead an ordinary life. And, in everything I do, I want to teach, guide, and educate others.

The world is a messy, dismal place. But we must remember that our realities are also shaped by what we focus on. If you want to live in suffering and focus only on the negative (war in Ukraine, famine, etc…) rather than the sweet animals in your life, how you can bring a smile to someone else’s face, or how good you can feel when you give back, well, my friend… that is your choice.

And it’s a choice I’ve long been afraid to vocalize. But it is yours, nonetheless. My hope is that my life can lead by example to show others how to escape the “system” and demented patterns we have fallen into (like allowing the darkness to feed on our fears, convince us we are “normal”, and that there is no such thing as Spirit or Intelligence in nature).

I believe because I AM. I know, I feel it rushing through me. And every day that I can help liberate someone else through great financial planning, nourishing food, education, and platforms to grow their businesses, I am succeeding.

So Aho. Aho to YOU, your relations, and all that you will build and create in this life. I believe in you and look forward to supporting your journey, whether as an accomplice or a friend from afar.

God bless,

Mandy Froelich