Professional Business Consulting

Take Your Business To New Heights
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Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Business Goals and Objectives

There are many factors to consider when starting, purchasing, or re-branding a business. From submitting legal paperwork to accurately setting up payroll, to learning how to hire, fire, and relate with employees… it can all easily go wrong if you don’t have the right support and guidance. Business strategist Mandy Froelich has made it her business to help small business owners and entrepreneurs not only survive, but thrive.

Charge Forward

Business Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs

You have one shot to execute your vision and turn your dreams into reality. Don’t waste your time or hard-earned money with amateurs. Mandy can help with…

  • Business Plan Writing
  • Raising Investment
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Grant Writing

Do it right the first time.

Get In Touch For a Free Consultation

Business Consulting

Market Research

Grant Writing

Business Branding

Social Media Strategizing

Small Business SOS 

Grant WRiting

Speaking & Events

Business plan writing


What I Offer

Mandy Froelich, RHN, Business Strategist, veteran marketer, and holistic healer, is obsessed with strategically and efficiently building businesses that have the potential to remedy persistent conundrums and change the world. 

Grant Writing

Applying for grants can be a cumbersome and tedious process. Fortunately, Mandy is well-versed in the process of applying and receiving grant aid. Grant money = money that doesn’t have to be paid back.

Small Business Consulting

Whether you’re starting a new business or put out an SOS, Mandy can help. From troubleshooting tax law issues to developing financial stability, start making progress on your goals today.

Business Branding

Your brand needs to be cohesive and accurately define your product(s). Work with Mandy to develop a high-quality image and professional branding materials..


From developing comprehensive financials and a pitch deck to creating a campaign and/or pitching to investors,, Mandy can help you procure the funds you need for your venture. 

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities

Mandy Froelich spent over 13 years developing her first business, Life in Bloom Nutrition. Since then, she has worked with a variety of entrepreneurs in many industries (restaurant, sustainable agriculture, health and education) to redefine their missions, brand images, marketing materials, and develop fresh roadmaps with realistic milestones on the path toward success. She works with those who are passionate about making the world a better place.


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Get In Touch

+1 605-641-3776