Boss Babe’s Guide to Business & Branding

The go-to guide for brainstorming, establishing, and growing your business. 

Do you feel immensely passionate about your business venture but also unsure of how to navigate the path? Is the fact that you haven’t made more progress on your side business keeping you up at night? Do you feel as if you are bursting at the seams with passion and would do anything to finally get your vision off of the ground?

Well then, boss babe, this workbook is for you. In twelve chapters, we’ll dive through the entire process of developing, establishing, and growing your business. From reminding you about the many reasons you should feel confident to explore the types of businesses you can register, we’ll walk through the fundamental steps that need to be completed for you to turn your dream into reality.


What if you had a proven roadmap to help you build your

brand and business, step-by-step?

Here you go.

Focus #1

The first objective is to center and ground your vision. What is your “Why”? What gets you out of bed and motivates you to continue chasing your dream? Let’s dive deep.

Focus #2

The second objective is about the fundamentals. We’ll cover what you need to do from a legal standpoint to “be in business.” Registering a DBA or LLC isn’t the end, however; it’s merely the beginning.

Focus #3

The third objective is to point you in the right direction, as well as give you the necessary tools to reach your target audience. The ultimate goal is to help you build a super strong foundation to build off of.

Thank you so much for sharing. It has given me much insight and making me think how I want my business to look like. So happy we met!”

Gina S.

“This is the information I’ve been looking for! Every other guide I’ve ready focused on one aspect of building a business, but this book explains so much more. Finally!”

Bobby K.

I spent years attempting to “get it right.” 

Does this sound familiar? 

“When I first began developing my first business, I felt overwhelmed by the process. How could I possibly compete with big corporations or other, established business owners who had more experience? The pressure and desire to succeed led me to study the ins-and-outs of business management, accounting, marketing, social media management, financial planning, funding, and more over a 10-year span. 

After graduating with a degree in Business and Accounting, becoming a licensed Investment Advisor, developing 6+ consultancy-based businesses (learn more here), and working with a handful of amazing IT companies that reinforced my understanding of digital development, something clicked. All of a sudden, it became easy to gain clients. I wasn’t struggling to find people to work with but, instead, was saying “no” to less ideal clients and “yes!” to the projects and people that aligned with my goals. 

As you will learn, I didn’t do anything special. Rather, I became focused, and channeled that vision and precision into the projects I created, and continue to scale today. In this book, I’ve outline the fundamentals that have helped me become a knowledgable business owner and successful online marketeer. It wasn’t always easy, but I believe that with patience, vision, and persistence, anyone – anywhere – can cultivate a life they love by breathing life into the projects and business ideas that inspire them to wake up each morning. I hope this book empowers you to do just that.”

Mandy Froelich, eBook author & CEO of Black Hills Financial Planning 


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