Rooted Wisdom with

Mandy Froelich

1:1 Consulting

 Change is a mindset and growth is the result of persistent efforts applied over time. I teach my clients how to love the process so success is nearly guaranteed.

Group Engagements

Book my services to speak to and engage small and large groups of attendees. Topics range from health and nutrition to business consultation to spirituality. 

Podcast & Books

My podcast and books examine a multitude of topics to provide ample resources to those looking to love the lives and businesses they are creating.

Yes, you can create a life you love.
Are you ready to explore how?


It’s nice to meet you.

As a mother of two, wife, and student of God, I’ve developed this platform to harmonize my many interests and be of service to others exploring how to create lives they love that also benefit the greater good.

My background as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), chef, ACE-certified personal trainer, licensed financial advisor, and certified business analyst has, I believe, given me a unique perspective on the topics of faith, finance, fitness, and food. So, I gladly share about these. 

My philosophy is that when we take good care of ourselves, we are more loving toward others as well as improved stewards of the Earth. Personally and as business owners, a healthy body and nourished mind are vital to actualizing goals and maintaining the ever-elusive “work-life” balance. 

Through 1:1 consultation, group engagements, and the written word (see Substack), I strive to help others improve their attitudes, re-align their beliefs, adopt healthier habits, and learn to love the process of living an aligned life. 

I invite you to dig into the articles and recipes I’ve shared over the past two decades. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I’m here to help.  

With appreciation,